High PR Social Bookmarking Site List 2016 | Social Bookmark Sites

High PR Do-follow social bookmarking sites can help you to increase your targeted keywords ranking in all major search engine and website visibility. The high domain authority sites can also help you to increase your website domain & page authority.

Generally, Moz updates the domain authority and page authority every 3 months. Quality backlinks also help you to improve your website Alexa rank.

In this blog, we have shared active social bookmarking sites which are very popular, Which help you to get huge instant traffic to your website.

Instant Approval Social Bookmarking Site List

  1. http://www.bibsonomy.org/
  2. http://blinklist.com/
  3. http://www.blogbookmark.com/
  4. http://www.buddymarks.com/
  5. http://www.citeulike.org/
  6. http://cloudytags.com/
  7. http://del.icio.us/
  8. http://www.bookmax.net/
  9. http://www.blurpalicious.com/
  10. https://www.diigo.com/
  11. http://digg.com/
  12. http://www.sitepronews.com/
  13. https://www.bookmarkee.com/index.php?easybm
  14. https://start.me/en/favoor
  15. http://www.folkd.com/
  16. http://www.linkagogo.com/
  17. http://www.hyperlinkomatic.com/
  18. http://www.linkarena.com/
  19. http://www.memotoo.com/
  20. http://www.mybookmarks.com/
  21. http://www.myhq.com/
  22. https://www.mylife.com/
  23. http://www.mysitevote.com/
  24. http://www.kledy.de/
  25. http://techspy.com/
  26. http://www.youmob.com/
  27. http://www.myhq.com/
  28. http://www.stuffpit.com/
  29. http://iloggo.com/
  30. https://kinja.com/
  31. http://www.newsvine.com/
  32. http://sitebar.org/
  33. https://www.reddit.com/
  34. http://www.sitejot.com/
  35. http://hubpages.com/
  36. https://slashdot.org/
  37. http://www.stumbleupon.com/
  38. http://www.startaid.com/
  39. http://www.stylehive.com/
  40. http://www.whitelinks.com/whitelinks/login.php
  41. http://v2.maptimize.com/
  42. http://www.fsdaily.com/
  43. https://inbound.org/get-started


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